This article follows on from The Ups & Downs of a Happiness Coach: Craving Connection. This one is about loneliness, suicide and connection. This is what its like to feel lonely.

That’s right I purposefully put a lot of empty, blank space in, nothing there. How did that make you feel when you read it, saw it? Feel any connection?

I almost considered not writing anything and publishing just the title and introduction. At the start of Craving Connection article I had shared that:

“As an experiment, for my own happiness and a way to serve I am going to chronicle as a diary some of my thoughts (ups and downs) and actions during this pandemic…..During this pandemic I have been craving for connection both people to people and grateful for the technology connections, I guess with the previous articles on Happier Relationships and what I have learnt over time I understand the importance of this to our happiness, well being and mental health. I have also been through the turbulence of insecurities and validation issues.

So, a request dear friend and reader

(1) If you have enjoyed some of the articles I have shared and found useful please reply to shaileen@happylifehabits.co.uk and let me know.

IMAGINE IF IT HAD BEEN A CRY FOR HELP!. The clues where there “Ups & Downs”, “Craving Connection”, “Mental Health”, “Happier Relationships”, “Turbulence”, “Insecurities” . I was asking for connection, I was asking for you to email me and let me know (1) you exist and (2) that I exist. I had one email come through on the request put at beginning and end of article. Thank you my friend (to be fair I have had some other messages and conversations with others also).

Imagine if I was not in good Mental Health and maybe even Suicidal what could have happened if that one email did not come through? I know from website statistics that more than one person had read the article. The picture on the article of me sitting on a chair , on a cliff edge looking out and contemplating could have turned into standing up and taking a few steps to the cliff edge and then a few more steps…


Thank you for asking…For the record I am currently I am not having any suicidal thoughts. I am in good mental health, happy, feel very connected, grateful, purposeful, and making a difference. Feeling awesome. Living my purpose and mission statement.

“I continuously contribute, learn, grow and make a positive difference to all in my environment adding tremendous value.

I am a caring, loving, supportive family member and friend.

I act with integrity, truthfulness and do the right thing.

I use my time effectively, am a creator of wealth, value and abundance. I achieve balance”

With the massive changes we are currently facing of Social Isolation, Social Distancing, Lock down etc. and this likely to continue for many months it is going to have an impact on peoples mental health, sense of connection and people are going to feel lonely, hopeless and suicidal. This article is here to serve. For you to tap into you spider senses and keep aware of that tingling feeling, to raise the awareness to watch out for your emotions as well as those of others. More so that ever we need to actively reach out, check in and keep connected and help others to also do so. If you are feeling loneliness - there is help available see resources at the end.

Here are some quotes from Happier Relationships article and workshop as well as some new ones that are worth reflecting on:

Brene Brown Connection.jpg

What I have been doing to remain connected… I have…

  • had individual planned and unplanned catch ups with friends and family - some lovely individual conversations

  • been involved in online communities that I was physically part of - great sharing and insights

  • reached out to many of my clients and contacts with a short message to check they are ok and letting them know I am here

  • been running Happiness Booster Sessions - really enjoying these and feel I am making a difference, see events page for future ones or get in touch :)

  • been building a Happy Life Habits FaceBook Community Group

  • been taking part in 21 Day challenge and feeling connected to people from around the world. We had our first Zoom call recently with attendees from UK, India, USA and Hungary all sharing similar feelings with their respective lock down and situation

  • using video call more often to contact people

  • keeping mindful of my emotions, thoughts and actions

  • keeping my happy life habit practices in place including gratitude and mindfulness

  • when going for our daily walk smiling and waving to strangers

  • I’ve applied to be a NHS Volunteer to do role of check in and chat. We can all do that.

    Let me know what is helping you stay connected


The Samaritans

A request dear friend and reader.

(1) If you have enjoyed some of the articles I have shared and found useful please reply to shaileen@happylifehabits.co.uk and let me know.

(2) If you are not a subscriber to the Happy Life Habits email list - please sign up.

(3) While doing (1) if you would be interested in free 30 min video conference calls for Happiness Boosters - connection and sharing, during these times let me know if morning, afternoon or evening preference and weekday and/or weekend. I will endeavour to serve.

(4) If you think someone else might benefit from this please share with them.

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Shaileen Shah is a Happiness Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Previously having been in finance technology for the investment banking arm of RBS during the RBS takeover of Natwest, the RBS takeover of ABN Ambro and the financial crisis he has experienced the challenges brought by uncertainty, change and stress. He is certified in The Science of Happiness and shares through Happy Life Habits. Happy Life Habits Positively Impacts Happiness & Well Being Levels by creatively and uniquely combining Personal Development + The Science of Happiness + Spirituality. A business for Good; supporting the UNs Sustainable Development Goals. For more information see HappyLifeHabits.co.uk.